Freitag, Juni 22, 2007

welcher hero bist du?

ha, hab mal nen heroes-test gemacht - nach 26 fragen weiss man wer man ist! ;)

Your Score: Eden McCain

You scored 41 Idealism, 75 Nonconformity, 12 Nerdiness

I think you really want a donut.

Congratulations, you're Eden McCain! You've got a colorful past, and your persuasive abilities are second to none. In addition, you're a quick thinker with a solid amount of guts.
Your best quality: The art of persuasion
Your worst quality: A fondness for some stereotypically "bad" behavior

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Anonym hat gesagt…

20 Idealism, 45 Nonconformity, 58 Nerdiness
You're Isaac Mendez! You're a talented, creative, artistic soul with a few demons you've been working to overcome. You are really passionate person and you are not afraid to express yourself or your emotions. Your best quality: Creativity and artistic talent. Your worst quality: A possibly addictive or indulgent personality